Rental Inspection
At the final of a lease, a rental inspection is required to ensure that the property has been cleaned properly by the occupant. Our reliable cleaning company specializes in end of lease cleaning, which ensures that the rental shall meet the requirements of the property inspection. Our company provides a fast cleaning service starting at $149, providing our customers with peace of mind knowing that their deposit is secure thanks to our thorough end of lease cleaning.
Make Moving Out Easier by using this Tenancy End Cleaning Checklist
Are you getting ready to move out of your rental property and need to ensure that you get the bond back? If so, an end of Tenancy Cleaning checklist is the best thing you can get.
Don't Lose Your Bond! Prepare Your Rental to be inspected
Moving from a rental is a stressful experience especially when it comes to cleaning the property before leaving. One of the most frequent queries asked by renters is whether or not a bond cleaning is necessary prior to moving out.
The Secret to a Successful Rent Inspection is Thorough Cleaning
A rental inspection is an extremely stressful experience for tenants as it is often the deciding factor in whether they'll get their bond returned or not. It's essential to perform a thorough cleaning of the home prior to the inspection occurs for the real estate agent or landlord will know that the home is maintained and ready for the next tenant.